Rise To Your Purpose | Build Your Profitable Online Kingdom Business Without the Hustle
Do you wish you could build a thriving online business without sacrificing your faith or family time? Are you overwhelmed by the hustle culture and longing for a more meaningful approach? Struggling to balance your entrepreneurial dreams with your calling to make a Kingdom impact?
We are so excited you're here! This podcast will empower you to grow a profitable online Kingdom business with purpose and integrity. We’ll explore how you can create lasting impact, align your business with your faith, and achieve your entrepreneurial goals without the hustle and burnout.
Hey, we're Natalie and Brandie, the founders of Victorious Entrepreneurs Rising. Together, we’ve created the Rise to Your Purpose Devotional, Podcast, and Signature Program, all designed to help mission-driven entrepreneurs like you build profitable businesses online that create Kingdom impact—all while operating in a spirit of rest instead of hustle and grind.
For years, we juggled the demands of entrepreneurship while trying to stay true to our values.
We were caught in the cycle of chasing business trends, falling for quick success schemes, and neglecting the deeper calling on our lives.
We finally realized that true success comes from aligning our businesses with our faith and focusing on meaningful impact.
We developed a strategy to build profitable, purpose-driven businesses that honor God and serve others. And we're here to share that journey with you!
If you're ready to create a simple, impactful Kingdom business that aligns with your faith and values...
Strategies that are sustainable, purposeful, and fulfilling...
Results that include financial success, spiritual growth, and greater influence...
This podcast is for you!
So grab your favorite cup of coffee, settle in, and let’s embark on this journey together. Welcome to your new favorite personal development podcast for mission-driven entrepreneurs!
Rise To Your Purpose | Build Your Profitable Online Kingdom Business Without the Hustle
Episode 137: Unleash Your Kingdom Warrior - Activate Dominion 2024
•Brandie Thomas•Season 4•Episode 137
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00:00 | 26:13
Do you feel God calling you to take new territory and dominion? In this episode of 'Rise to Your Purpose,' Brandie invites you to join her for the upcoming Activate Conference, held from October 10-12 at the Hardrock Hotel in San Diego. This will be her third time attending the event, which is aimed at Christian women in business, offering personal and professional growth through a faith-based community. Brandie shares the profound impact the first two conferences had on her life, including spiritual awakenings, physical healing, and emotional breakthroughs. The event features worship sessions, transformative talks from notable speakers, and a special gala night. She invites women seeking spiritual and entrepreneurial empowerment to join this life-changing event.
Activate Conference: Personal and Professional Transformation for Christian Women in Business
In this episode of 'Rise to Your Purpose,' the speaker shares her anticipation for the upcoming Activate Conference in October, tailored for Christian women in business. She reflects on her transformative journey from attending previous conferences, recounting personal healing, community support, and spiritual growth. The conference, which includes impactful speakers, worship sessions, and a formal gala, promises to be a catalyst for personal and professional empowerment. Listeners are encouraged to register and join this enriching event in San Diego.
00:00 Introduction and Exciting Announcement 01:21 The Impact of the Activate Conference 02:17 Personal Transformation and Healing Journey 05:00 Experiencing Community and Support 08:54 Overcoming Challenges and Finding Renewal 18:57 Invitation to the Activate Conference 2024 21:43 Final Thoughts and How to Join
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Hey friends with purpose. Partners working doc to another episode of rise to your purpose. Today I warranted. Just take a moment and share with you something exciting. That's going to be coming up for Christian woman and crucial woman. I'm in business. In October, this is a, an event that now. And I have been going to for the last two years, this will be the third. Activate conference and it is truly one of my favorite. Not only Christian women conferences, but also Krisha woman in business conferences. I've ever been to. Um, there's another one I attended in Georgia called God golf and girls. And that one's also, and these are my top two. Christian conferences. I love going to every year. Like I leave there buying the ticket for next year. That's how impactful these are. So I just wanted to take a little. A bit of time today and just share with you. What this is about and religious invite you to join us this year. If you're looking for. A space where you can come and get poured into like, looking for a space where you can grow personally and professionally and looking for just truly amazing women and community to tap into. So I hope you enjoyed today's episode and I'm excited to share. Hey friends, the purpose part is brand new Thomas here. So today I really want to share with you about the activate conference and how it has actually impacted my life. Share some information about it. And religious invite you to it. So. At the knee is a three-day journey that is truly just designed for entrepreneurs who want to deepen their faith. Grow in their business and spirits. Life-changing personal transformation. This event is going to be happening in October 10th through 12th at the Hardrock. Hotel and San Diego. And when we first started this conference back in 2022. It was just called activate. And then each year we've kind of ran into it. So it's activate. I can't remember what last year's. Activate conference was, but this year it's called activate dominion. And so for me, I have, I feel like on the very first. Activate conference, something was activated in me. And then these past few years, you guys have been following along on some of my journey. God has just been reworking me and deconstructing me. Breaking me down, believe me back up. And it says for me, it's really cool to see, like I'm getting ready to walk into this activate conference called dominion. And I feel like I'm finally in a space where God's like, all right, I'm going to refine you do this good work in him so that you can take dominion. For my kingdom and territory formation, but I needed you to be a warrior and I needed to grow perseverance and resilience and knew I needed to grow. Strengthen you. And the only way I can do that was to go through everything that I've been through. And there's this quote that I have said before that the only way you become a mighty warrior is by going through a mighty battle. And I feel like that's what I've been doing this last few years, since that activate conference, when something literally was. Broken off inside of me like this whole. I mean, it activated something in the spiritual realm and the physical realm, and I've just been battling it for these two years that God has been using every single piece of it to grow me. Into the woman that end today and he'll meet places that I needed healing. So that I can step into the fullness and the more that he has for me, And so for me, it's kind of like full circle moment coming back into this conference. Called dominion. So the first year at activate none other than I were speakers, guest speakers. And that was kind of at the space where I had left my corporate job. Full-time I was full-time coaching. And a full-time. Just looking into business for the first time, which was really exciting. And we were, I was able to speak at a couple of different conferences. And you know, I was just like, Fine. It's still finding my voice, but just. I think a part of me was like wanting to be and have, and do these things that I thought I was supposed to be doing half. And there was a part of me that was kind of still, I dunno, if dead inside or just like, there was so brokenness or like sorrow inside of me, but it's like, I couldn't, it was almost like, well, this is the way life is, so I just have to deal with it and keep pressing on and keep doing the good work and do the good thing. After that conference. Like literally the conference is over. We're just hanging out in the conference room. Because it was since it was the first event and it wasn't, it was like maybe a hundred people. And I have had become like really close to a few of these people and we're like, well, let's get pizza to last way here. Let's hang out. And you know, really just, just chill before we pack up and go home. And so I was meeting with one of my friends, Rachel born trigger, and I encourage you if you have any health issues to look her up, because she's an amazing holistic. Practitioner. And she was doing some tests on me in this conference room. Like she brought her case of, of these, of materials that she didn't run tests on me there. Cause she lives in Montana. And I live in Indiana. And she's like, you have all of these issues. Going on inside you and your body's not absorbing minerals and you're not. And I was like, yes, I knew like the blood work and the things that my other doctor, like I knew there was more to it and they. The tests that they were doing. It was not deep enough. And so I went really super crunchy with. Dr. Roach and she's awesome. Anyway. So I go over and I tell my friends, like I have all new things and I just did this awesome speech. But apparently my body's like going through some crazy stuff inside. And there was a woman there who was like, can I pray for you? And I was like, you can pray for me, but I don't think anything is going to change. People have been praying for my body for years and God, just in my mind, God just didn't want to heal me. And I was like coming to terms with that. I was okay with that. Like, this is just the way it's going to be. And mommy's going to struggle with infertility. I'm always going to short-haul with digestive issues because of the Crohn's disease. And this is just, you know, my across the bear and I'm going to bear it the best way I can learn to use it for the glory of God. And I just really didn't have faith. And I told the woman I'm like, I don't have faith enough to know. To believe that your prayers. Going to help me cause I'm yet to see it. I've been to Alta calls. I've had the anointing. I've done all the things. And God never gave me any miraculous healing. How he always given me grace and strength to persevere through hard things and how I gained healing in some form and fashion. Yes. But he, didn't never just straight away and taken my gluten and dairy free. You'd never taken away. Like my current Shoreway never just taken away my infertility, like the woman who touched his. Like not, not. Not story. I was like, if I could just touch the hem of Jesus', maybe then I can find any help. It's like, it was always out of reach for. And so this woman is like, I have enough face for both of us. And so as soon as we dropped to the floor only is I just start balling and whale. And I just released slips so much, like a decade of just trauma and pain. Sorrow and bitterness and. There's a beautiful picture. I don't know if I can put this picture in the show notes, but. If you go to my well not. It's been posted on my Facebook page before nobody Instagram page, but. And maybe hard to find. So anyway, somebody actually took a picture of me, like being prayed for it, with like all the women in There's probably like 20 of them who happened to stay behind. And we're just praying, like women were speaking in tongues over me. They were calling out like spirit of. Of rejection. So I was like, I can't let go. Like I can't trust that this is. You know, like God wants to heal me, like, and it was just like, I had never experienced anything like that. I've never experienced any type of deliverance or anything. Like that type of prayer circle. And so when I say like, the women that are at this carbons are legit, like they are legit, their hearts are pure for God. They are truly seeking God. They're truly trying to know God loved on him. Practice his ways. And that wasn't really my first taste of. This community and. This tastes of like a deeper relationship with God in the more that God wants to have for. So fast forward to the next conference. And I kicking myself that I can't remember what last year's conference theme was. But. There was, I had done a lot of work. I had worked with. So after the, at first activate conference. I did receive some form appealing. Like I can finally start eating gluten and dairy again. I started working with Rachel. And. She had put me in. Really amazing supplements and minerals that were a lot. My body was actually able to absorb that was all liquid versus a pill. So I couldn't really get not my doctors trying to give me. And we were focused on specific things that my body needed. And I was seeing results. And so now I could, this whole world of food opened up to me, but I was really struggling with. The fear around food. And so we're getting another woman inside of this community with a cane. How many eating disorder coach. I think you would really connect with and she could help you in this area. And I was like, I'll check her out. Like I don't have, I'm not interacts. Like I'm happily medic. Like I really do enjoy eating, but food has just literally tried to kill me so many times. It has put me in the hospital. I've had blockages. I've had issues. With food. And so that relationship with food. Due to my Crohn's disease. And just a lot of the trauma that I've experienced from it. Had created a fear based mentality of like, okay, these foods are safe. And I can eat these and I have to restrict all this other stuff. And really worked with this coach on overcoming those fears and Elijah and my son had actually been triggering a lot of these cause I'm like, I'm just trying to eat this food. And he's screamed at me while I'm eating. And it was just like causing so much anxiety, like would put me in tears because I'm like, it is already hurting us for me. Eat and care for my body. And then I have this child who's screaming at me and crying. And it just brought up some stuff. So I worked with her through a lot of that. So I've been doing a lot of this healing work. I've been going through radio leadership. Radiant leadership academy to myself. I was certified to train it at that point. So. God was his life. Bruni all of these different areas. And things and convicting in different things and showing me. Areas where he wanted to like improve. And I get to activate. Last year. And. Michelle Schaffer who's leading it. She's like, I feel like we're supposed to baptize some people here. And like three people raised their hands. So we'd go to the pool after one of the sessions. One of the days oh, it was over. And. Those people get baptized, but then people start walking into the pool. And I just kind of feel in my spirit, like if I want to cleanse you. And then I've been baptized. I'd love my baptism story. When I was in junior high, I chose to be baptized at my great aunt Jean's pond, which is where I grew up swimming. And like my grandma and my aunt Jean were there. And these were women that are just. People who really influenced my faith and my walk and journey with God. And it is a beautiful moment though. I will forever cherish. Actually proclaiming my faith. But this type of baptism really seemed more like a cleansing. So I will forever cherish that, my first baptism, because that actually was me proclaiming my faith, and it was just that, that type of baptism versus the baptism that I had last year was more of a cleansing for me. It was like, you've been through so much since that 13 year old little girl, and you are no longer that woman anymore, and I want to renew you. And I'm like in this dress and like my jean jacket, and I feel like God's calling me to get into this pool. So I, here's what I did. I took my jean jacket off. I slowly took my shoes off. I literally took my bra off cause I'm like, I have to wear this. This is the only one I brought and I stuffed it in my bag. And then I jumped into the pool and I remember looking at Michelle Shafer and Molly trauma, Gomez and Tyese and They were just like freaking out so excited for me and I get into the little circle like why are you here? Like why did you feel? You needed to do this and I'm just like I feel like God just wants to renew me and cleanse me And so here's the thing though. I went through that and when I came up I was expecting the joy of the Lord and the peace and I didn't feel that I was actually really confused I'm sad. And then a dear friend Michelle Tasco came over to me and she has been appointed to me. We met at the very first Octobate. We were both speakers and we happened to sit next to each other and we have, we share some similarities in our story and she came over and just spoke some amazing words to me. My sister recorded it and so I wrote those words down and I just have them as affirmations and Just like truce that I needed to hold on to that I needed at that time. And one of the things she said is count it all joy because I've been going through a really rough time and I was just like seeking out the joy of the Lord but I couldn't it was almost like I was so oppressed I couldn't feel the joy of the Lord or the peace anymore that I used to have and carry with me. And so she was speaking directly to that and more things just were breaking off of me at that point. But I hadn't fully come into the fullness or the full healing that God had for me. So fast forward this year I'm teaching another RLA and I just am like, man, I cannot, it's like I'm teaching these things and I'm telling these women to do things and I'm almost doing the opposite or it's like I can't connect with them with these teachings because it's I feel like I'm failing in all these different areas. And. I just feel so much sorrow and bitterness and anger and I just this is not of me and I know this is not my identity as a daughter of the king and I just need to work even deeper on this because I don't want this baggage to be passed down to my son. I don't want to, create strains in my marriage or relationships. I want to be like the woman that God is like. I've seen, I've been her before, but I've I've, I can't get back to her. So much has happened. And again, I reached out to this community and I was like, does anybody have any grief counselors? Because there's, I think, things that I need to grieve. And it's almost like I'm afraid to fully go there on my own. And I need this counselor to be my sherpa to help me bring these things to the front of the cross because I think there's things that I need to grieve that I don't fully even know I need to grieve them or that I'm really afraid to go to that space to bring it back up and work through it. And I'm someone who's been in counseling. I've worked with coaches. I love personal development. I'm not afraid of that type of stuff. But I got to the point where it's like, all the work that I was doing on my own was no longer sufficient. I needed to heal again in community. And that's what I found with this is each year, each time I tap in, healing comes. And God is just showing me that healing comes in community. We are supposed to be in community. And doing things in isolation does not produce the fruit as compared to when you do things in community. And so once again, I reached out to the community and they brought me this beautiful grief counselor, Dana, and we've been working since this past May. And the things that we have broken off because half of the sessions are, the clinical side of me just sharing my story, talking through things. But then the other half is us like literally going to the courts of heaven, breaking legal agreements with the enemy. And generational curses, doing a lot of forgiveness work. And each time I come out of those, I feel more of the joy of the Lord. I feel free again. There's a lightness to me, the bitterness, the anger, the hurt, the grief, the pain is going away. And there's just a breath of fresh air. And it's really I, there's almost like this strength coming back to me that I am used to. And the oppression that I've been under is starting to lift. And I just feel like it's so exciting to know that at the very first Activate, something was literally activated inside me, to now coming to this third Activate, which is titled Dominion. And to be at the place in my journey where it's I'm feeling like that Kingdom Warrior coming out. I'm feeling like it. Yes, I'm supposed to be Aaron, and Joshua, and Caleb, and like running and take the territory. And knowing like I have the victory, and just standing in that divine identity and authority. And it's a really cool place to look back. To stand in and see where I'm going to, and look back to where I've come and everything I've worked through and overcome. I'm Aaron. And how God has just been there and orchestrating it and using the enemy's attacks for his good and turning it into for his good. And it's just been really cool. And so that's why I wanted to share my story because I really want you to see how impactful these conferences are. They're just not another business conference. They're just not another Christian conference. Like These are truly Holy Spirit. It's like thick. The Holy Spirit is thick in these places. And we're going to have amazing speakers and I get to be one of them. Like I'm going to be on stage at some point sharing my story. There's going to be a transformative worship. I think the first night is just all worship. It's just a big worship night. So you come into the conference, it starts at like 6pm pacific time, and we have our worship band for the entire weekend, and we're just gonna worship. That's how we start. There's no sessions the first night, it's just literally a worship session. And then, so that's like Thursday night, then Friday and Saturday night, we do have sessions, and they're around personal growth, Testimonies there's business growth. We're going to have Ray Higdon at this conference, which is amazing. We're going to have some other Lisa Vandercrack, who's one of our speaking specialists. She's going to be speaking. Michelle Shaffer, Mollie Traugoma. It's so many powerful women are going to be speaking on the stage. And the whole point of their talks are to equip and empower you to be impactful with where you are. In your sphere of influence and how do we equip and empower you to really step into the woman that God has created you to be? And you're going to get to connect with a community of passionate entrepreneurs and leaders and believers All focused on doing everything for the kingdom Doing their life their business for the kingdom And so I really again just want to encourage you if you have not You If you haven't gone to anything like this or if you're looking for something like this, again, it's all tax deductible as an entrepreneur. One of the last things I want to share is my favorite night. We have a gala on Saturday night. And it, you get dressed up, like I'm talking formal, prom wear, like I, it's been so fun for me because I'm a stay at home mom of a boy. Okay, I'm in sweats, yoga pants. Like I don't really get to wear dresses anymore because I'm rolling on the ground. Like we're literally wrestling with each other. Like we're helping the chickens, feeding the chickens. We're doing yard work. So I don't really get to dress up and I do enjoy dressing up. So you get to wear this beautiful gown and have a delicious dinner. And then, there's, I'm not going to share all the things because I want it to be special for those of you who actually come for the first time. Now we have a beautiful ceremony that we do every conference and it truly is powerful Where we really just help you stand into your divine identity as the daughter of the king So I would just love to invite you to register for activate 2024 titled Dominion. I'm gonna drop the link for this in the show notes It's for general admission for the entire weekend. It's only 349. 97. And we're staying at the Hard Rock Hotel. If people I encourage you to bunk up. I've always had, typically get like the two guests, two queen beds and share with four people. There's cots you can bring. You can be really creative. If you want to save money that way. But, it's really fun. It's such a great weekend. So I just wanted to share and invite with you because this has been such a powerful conference for me and I'm so excited for this next one coming up in October. And I know there's a lot of women in this community who are like me, who want to be in community, who want to grow personally and professionally, who want to, Just activate something and know God's calling you into more, but they necessarily don't necessarily have the Community at home or fully equipped and empowered to do it This is we want you to come here and get that we want to pour into you. So With that ladies, I really encourage you to check out the show notes Check out the link and reach out to me if you have any questions You can always connect with me at livevictorious on Instagram And again, I hope you have an amazing day and I'll see you next time.