Rise To Your Purpose | Build Your Profitable Online Kingdom Business Without the Hustle

Episode 121: [Behind the Courses Series] Finding Your God Given Purpose and Biblical Leadership with Lemon Price

Brandie Thomas Season 4 Episode 121

On today's episode, you get to meet Lemon Price.   Lemon is a marketing maven who climbed to the top of the corporate ladder at the tender age of 26 before venturing out to establish her own successful agency. Our inspiring discussion traverses the peaks of her viral blogging explosion, the scaling of a boutique PR agency to eight figures, and the valleys of partnership discord that led her to step away and pursue new horizons. Lemon opens up about her quest to make Bible knowledge accessible to all, merging spiritual enlightenment with tangible business acumen through the courses she offers at Girl Power Alliance. It’s a conversation that pulls back the curtain on the grit behind the glamour of entrepreneurship and the faith that fuels her forward.

The episode also sheds light on the life-changing power of leadership training, particularly through the Radiant Leadership Academy. We uncover the story of how this ICF-accredited program serves as a beacon, guiding women to find their divine purpose. Our chat navigates the successes of the preparatory course, setting a firm foundation for those about to step into the academy, and teases the much-anticipated course on psychology and habit transformation. We wrap up with a heartening note on the importance of decision-making, even in the face of uncertainty, and share our heartfelt appreciation for Lemon Price's vulnerability and wisdom. Our heartfelt thanks extend to you, our listener, for joining us in this empowering exchange that promises to leave an indelible mark on your personal and professional journey.

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Brandie Thomas:

Hey friends and Purpose Partners, welcome to another episode of Rise to your Purpose. I'm so excited to have one of my favorite people in the world, lemon Price. You might know her from her feature in Forbes magazine. She's also just an amazing businesswoman. She has been in the C-suite. What were you like age 23? I was 26. 23? I was 26. 26.

Brandie Thomas:

Okay, still like that is still very impressive to be in a C-suite at that young of an age and doing amazing things in the marketing space and having your own marketing firm. And now you're a coach and a course contributor to the Girl Power Alliance platform and membership. So I'm really excited to have you on today, lemon, and I just would love to hear you share a little bit more about some of the courses that because you are. You have three in there currently right, and you said you're working on your fourth course that you're going to contribute to the platform. So I'd love for you to want to just share a little bit more about your story and your background for those who haven't met you before, and then I would love for us to talk more about like, what kind of courses have you contributed to the platform?

Lemon Price:

Yeah, fun. First of all, thanks for having me. I love talking about all of these fun things, but I, yeah. So I started in marketing unintentionally. That was never actually my dream. I started that in 2011, blogging. Actually, I was doing bar and restaurant reviews because I was 21 and I had to do it for a grade and it went as viral as something could go in 2011.

Lemon Price:

And so I got picked up by a boutique PR agency and then worked my way up to the C-speed at 26, which was that was a very fast five-year period of my life, Very unintentional, and so then I felt like I had peaked, and so I started my own agency, because I was a little frustrated too. I'll be like honest um, this company that hired me, they were hemorrhaging cash. The day that I started, they said to me hey, guess what? If you don't fix our problems, we're going to close the doors in three months. And so I think that's partly how I ended up in the C-suite, to be completely honest, cause it was like, well, if it works, great, and if it fails, we can say she was 26 and like blame it on that. Um, and so it was like a win-win for them, I think, and so I ended up like reducing their spend and all these things, and we did um eight figures in sales in 10 months and I'd reduced our costs by like 98%. And so we were very much in the green and I was just getting paid my normal salary, while all of the sales guys were raking in a ton of money and I was like frustrated. I'm like man, like I did all this work, I delivered all these people to you and I see no benefit to me other than your company is thriving. And so I'm like, well, if I could do that for you, I could do that for me.

Lemon Price:

And so I started my own agency, took on a business partner because things got busy and that didn't work out very well. She told me she loved Jesus and I was like perfect, I'm so excited to partner with somebody who loves Jesus. Turns out she just really enjoyed where money came from and didn't care who provided you know our paychecks. And so I ended up working with a ton of new age people. I felt really gross and just didn't feel in alignment and integrity, and so I left my own agency.

Lemon Price:

My husband comes from a pagan background and things. It's always like you've got to leave your own agency. I left my own agency and at that point I was going to school getting another master's in apologetics and theology because I wasn't raised Christian either and so I felt like I I lacked knowledge and I don't like that place. I'm such a nerd, I want to learn all the things. I don't ever want to feel inadequate in what I have. And so I'm like I'm going to go to school and I, when I left my agency, I'm like I'm just going to go back to my roots.

Lemon Price:

I'm going to go back to blogging. That's how I started. It's what I'm. I'm just going to go back to what I love to do, and every single week I would get comments or emails from women reading my blog or, you know, messages on Instagram, and they would say, well, that's great for you, but like I'm not in seminary, or like nobody's ever explained the Bible to me like that, or nobody's ever done those things for me, and so I can't do it, and I just thought to myself that's kind of silly right, like I feel like the church should be doing a better job of equipping people to actually be Bible scholars without having to write 30 page papers in seminary on a weekly basis.

Lemon Price:

And so I'm and I've talked to women in my church who were like I've never heard the term apologetics before. And I'm like okay, like all right, god, I see what you're doing. And so I started teaching a course on how to basically be a Bible scholar as a busy mom. And that's when Molly Schroeder Gomez reached out to me and she said hey, we have actually, we've we've got this platform, we've got, you know, this membership. We're looking for faith-based content. Everything in here is really business focused right now. We'd love some more faith-based stuff. And then she's like and we have people in the community who are already taking your course, they love it. Like, is this something you're interested in? And I was like no, I'm actually not interested at all.

Lemon Price:

I had been out of my marketing agency for close to six months at that point and I was like I don't think I want to partner with anybody again. And then my husband said to me he said do you want to do this by yourself or are you looking to make kingdom impact. And so I text Molly, not knowing what I was signing up for. I said I'm in, I'll send my course to you guys and that was it. And now it's now. It's just the thing that I do. Everything I create I feel like I just put into this platform. That was a very long answer for you.

Brandie Thomas:

That was perfect, okay. So for those of you let's like step back for a minute, so for those of you who are just tuning in and have never heard of Girl Power Alliance.

Brandie Thomas:

Girl Power Alliance is a Christ-centered personal professional development platform, and so members come in, you pay a monthly membership subscription and you have access to 300 plus courses. There's also live certification programs that you can like literally are accredited through the ICF, and we have like annual conferences, like business Christian conferences that you can attend. So there's like a lot of value and a lot of just a safe space for women who you know are Christ-minded, they have the same values, can come and really just grow personally and professionally and, like you said, be equipped, because the church isn't really doing that great of a job, unfortunately, and I've even, you know, literally been sitting in a church service and being like man. I wish my preacher would go deeper and like my spirit's, like he's not, he's not like the person to do this, like you're the one. It's take responsibility for your own faith and for your own relationship with Jesus. And so that's why I have thoroughly loved being a member of the Girl Power Alliance platform and just being poured back into myself and knowing like finally having a place, because my sister and I we have, we were creating the Christ-centered resources for women in business and because I was tired of listening to Tony Robbins, I didn't want to listen to Mel Robbins, I didn't want to listen to Rachel Hollis anymore. Like they're, you know, they have great content, great value, but they were misaligned in the one key area where Jesus wasn't at the center of everything that they were doing, and that was the lens they were not approaching their business and life from. So I love coming to this place where, like that, I know the content I'm getting, that I'm going to be pouring into, listening and reading, and the coaches I'm learning from are literally coming at it from.

Brandie Thomas:

Holy Spirit gave this message to me. I'm being obedient. I'm going to walk this out and create something for the world. So thank you, lemon one, for just sharing your journey and for sharing that first piece of content. Because I think, is it called Mama's in the Word? Yeah, because I start. Yes, I have actually started your course. I will be honest and say I've not finished it, but from what I have watched so far has been super beautiful and awesome. So share some more because that is your first course, so you have put into other courses. Plus you're working on your fourth course that you're contributing to the platform. So can you share with us a little bit more about what each of those are?

Lemon Price:

Yeah, so Mama's in the Word, which is so funny that we had a release in two parts, because I think it's the biggest course inside of Girl Powerlines it's 38 trainings that are all at least 20 minutes a piece and that really was a deep dive on how to study the Bible as a busy mom and then go out and disciple and how do you, how do you have discipleship conversations and how do you find a mentor and all those kinds of things that I think the church should be doing. But I understand right, the church has got to cater to deep theologians and people who have never heard Jesus in the same sermon, and so I love that. You were like it's on me if I want to go deeper, um, and that's what conferences and courses and all of these things are for. But then after that, I started taking radiant leadership Academy um, which is a 16 week biblical, icf accredited leadership program, included with Girl Power Whites, which is amazing. I love that we have that opportunity.

Lemon Price:

But as I was coaching it right, because we're both coaches for that program I started hearing a lot of women being like when they're going through this and they're, the very first pillar is to examine yourself, and I had. I don't know if you've had this experience, but I had a ton of women in my class saying to me well, I don't really know what my purpose is, other than I'm supposed to be a disciple. But, like, what does that actually look like for me? And because I think it's really easy to say your purpose is to go out and be a disciple, your purpose is to go out and share Jesus with other people. Right, as believers, that is our main purpose Love God and go and serve others. But then I think where people get stressed and confused is they're like well, what is what am I? Do I start a podcast? Do I serve in this ministry? Like what, what is the unique thing God's called me to do? And so God was like okay, I need you to talk about this and I'm like all right, that's what we're going to do. So I actually worked with Michelle Schaefer, the founder, and I said hey, listen, this is what God dropped into my spirit. How do you feel about putting it in the membership with the focus that people could take this before they take radiant leadership Academy? So it's in the basic membership for people to take um to really help them figure out like what it is they're called to do, so that when they step into Radiant Leadership Academy, they walk in knowing their true purpose and what their identity is in Christ. So that was the feedback on that was incredible. We ran it last summer live and just the feedback I received from women. I was so excited to put it into our membership Um and I've gotten incredible feedback on it. So that was the other one. And then we just dropped another one Um in March.

Lemon Price:

The co-founder and I, molly, did we on marketing Cause. That's what I did for a very long time, but I spoke at our annual conference about because, even though I'm Jesus first and foremost and I'm in this leadership space, everybody still wants the marketing brain that I have, and so we put a course in here on building an authentic social media presence. And how do you really again speak to your people? Where do you find inspiration? How do you show up in a way that resonates with your audience? Because the way you're going to show up with your audience is completely different than I am, and so we broke that down. And then the last one that I'm working on right now it probably will never be the last one. Let's be honest, brandy, it's never going to be the last one right.

Lemon Price:

The current one that we're working on is on habits. I have become obsessed with habits and the psychology of habits and your circadian rhythm and like all all these natural ebbs and flows of your body, and how do you build sustainable habits? And so we have something called sacred 60 inside of girl power Alliance, and it is like 75 hard, but with kingdom principles first and foremost, and so basically taking a course and teaching people how to create these lasting habits that they're acquiring during sacred 60 and the psychology behind it. And how do you train yourself and guys, I've trained, like my 10 year old, this way, and so if my 10 year old can learn new habits with these little psychology things, then I feel like anybody could do it. So I'm excited to work on that and get that in here too, cause I think it's going to be huge for people, as we're focusing on growth and leadership development and all those things, and I think every course that I've contributed has led in that direction, right. So really helping women be the best version of themselves.

Brandie Thomas:

Yes, and that's why I love being a partner of Girl Power Alliance and collaborating with them, because, like you just mentioned, there's generational impact Like you, the things that you are being equipped in and learning through your own courses or through going through radiant leadership academy yourself and and also being poured in by the resources inside of the platform you're sharing with your children, and that is going to create generational, lasting impact for them and for the kingdom. And so, like this is really bigger than just us going in and taking a course and like getting a certification right.

Brandie Thomas:

Like the yes and it just like I'm speechless, like I'm so excited. Right now I don't have words for to like to really say how much, like how powerful this really is.

Lemon Price:

Yeah, there is. It's really cool to see because and I can talk about this because my whole family now has been so impacted being here so you know, my husband was anti network marketing. When I first started my kids didn't know, they didn't understand what I was doing. And you know, the Bible says that wives are going to win their family over with action and not words, and so I'm a big proponent of what letting your family see sanctification in real time I am, which is so different, I think, than the way that I was raised, right, the way my husband was raised, and that's something we've been very intentional about. Right, that's not easy to do, so that alone has been huge, but just letting my like apologizing to my children and telling my kids like this is what I learned in scripture. I just had this conversation with them this morning. I was like man, I'm like I'm in um lamentation and stuff, and you know, talking about how, when you, when you step outside of God's obedience, like you, are not entitled to his protection anymore. And I was like, oh dang, you know talking about the destruction of the temple and all these things. And so I'm having this conversation with my husband this morning over breakfast and my kids are involved and you know I'm like here's where I think that I'm screwing up. And you know we're we're just having this back and forth which has been so beautiful, but seeing, seeing the way my family is completely shifted right. So my kids have been to GPA events. So my kids have been to GPA events. Michelle has flown to Georgia here with me and they've they've met her, they've hung out. We've all done events together and my kids are. I will never forget we had, um, we had an event here and it monsooned and my kids made it a point to grab umbrellas from this church and go and meet all of the ladies at their cars with umbrellas. And they're 10 and they just uh, my oldest just turned 12 yesterday, which I thought was just so beautiful. I'm like, look, you got just showing up in service and all these things.

Lemon Price:

And then we had an experience um, right before Christmas my husband got a call from our kid's bus driver and said, hey, is your wife home? And he was like, yeah, she's home. Like, is everything okay? He's like, oh, yeah, I just gotta, you know, drop something off. And my thought is like, did they leave something important on the bus? And he like doesn't want to forget later, cause I live in a very rural town, everybody knows where everybody lives.

Lemon Price:

And so this man pulls up to my house 20 minutes later with an entire truck full of Christmas presents for my kids and it completely covered my kitchen table and I was like what is what is happening? Like, thank you, but like what is what is happening here? And he was like I don't know if your kids told you. He's like, but my mom was sick at the beginning of the school year. I'm like, yeah, they came home. They told us you know, we we prayed about when my mom passed.

Lemon Price:

And he's like it just had such an impact on me and my faith and my wife. And he's like, and then I told some of my friends about your children, because my kids are walking through something that's super difficult right now. And he was like they've never once asked me to pray for them and their situation. Like it's always been about me and my family. And he's like so I just wanted to do something nice for them. He's like don't ever tell them it was me. He's like I just wanted to do something nice.

Lemon Price:

And this man completely covered my table and I'm like it's so beautiful to see the like, that's not how I would have responded as a kid at 10.

Lemon Price:

I would.

Lemon Price:

I would not have been thinking about my bus drivers, personal problems, um, and so just seeing that impact. And then you know, my husband is completely different. He's taking radiant leadership out of me now and he's going to be, I think, the first man to teach it for men, which is exciting, um, but he, I mean he's texted me on week two and he said I'm so sorry if it felt like I didn't fully understand. He's like now I get it, I get what you've been showing me, I get the person that you've become. And then on week six, that man texts me probably 75 times in an hour and he was like I have this break, take takeaway in this takeaway in this takeaway and I want to have deeper conversation about this and just completely transformed our marriage. And we just completely transformed our marriage and we have, like a good marriage. Before I will say that like our marriage is great, but this I mean completely shifted everything we're doing and I'm so excited about what I mean. I've only been here a year and a half yeah, that's so far.

Brandie Thomas:

I've chills lemon and I love your family and I can't wait to like get to meet them at our next conference because I'm assuming Glenn's going to come with you in October, now that we have the Real Men Alliance also, um, so, yes, yes, like that's why I wanted to share this with you listeners, because I want you to hear from the women who are actually putting content into this platform and like the bigger vision and mission here it's.

Brandie Thomas:

It's yes, we want to equip and empower you, but we want to equip and empower you to go out and equip and empower the next generation and, literally, through changing yourself, through these courses and letting god come in and the holy spirit come in and like prune you and reveal different things to you, you're going to, by default, change the world for the better, and so there's such a strong mission here, and so not only do we have the personal and professional development side but, like Lemon kind of mentioned, we have a compensation plan where you can actually earn as you learn and just by referring this you can actually earn an incredible income here.

Brandie Thomas:

Like she mentioned, her and her husband are going to be able to leverage this income to both stay home. I know she hasn't gone through her whole story but like there's so many blessings, like Lemon will have to have you on because, like you want to buy a house, like Gwen's going to come home full time and do this with you as well, because now we have a real mental alliance. So there's just so much here where you can if you have a heart for god and you have a heart for the marketplace and for really going out and changing your community, your family, your sphere of influence. Like we encourage you to check out what we're doing here at girl power lines, because it is so much bigger than just another course or a program. When you put jesus at the center of what we're doing, like it changes, there's shifts in the atmosphere. So, um, thank you, lemon, for sharing that. Is there anything else before we wrap up today that you want to to leave our audience with?

Lemon Price:

I would say if you are just hearing about Girl Power Alliance for the first time or you've been sitting on the fence, I would recommend you jump in, because I was a fence sitter. I told the co-founder no, I didn't think this was for me and it is, hands down, the best decision I've ever made for myself and my family, because I am seeing a generational change in my family and just the way that they show up and it is having huge impacts on us. Like Brandy mentioned, my husband's going to come home full-time after we close on a house this spring, early summer, and just be able to be home full-time, and so our kids get like a completely different experience with their dad because of what we're able to do and create here, and I'm so excited about it. So if you're sitting on the fence, I would take it off of it.

Brandie Thomas:

Yes, I agree with you on that. There will be more information in the show notes if you guys are looking for that. But thank you so much, Lemon, for taking the time today and thank you all for listening. We hope you have an amazing afternoon.

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